Wednesday, February 22, 2023

The calmness of heart speaks for itself

 Let worries not consume you. Let your heart be calm and have faith in light and love. Those whose bitterness thoughts will consume itself. For they are the ones who have to go through their own shadows. The one who can’t be still will continue to be in chaos, and those whose calmness will see pass through its shadow with intent of going through light without a heavy heart.

Everything will be in place, when intention is for the highest good. For he who bring greatness will reap greatness and only fulfillment of divine truth will prevail. 

May each moment only bring peace and love. Let thoughts of kindness, compassion and gratitude fill each and everyone’s heart. Let the calmness of heart speaks for itself,  for everyone to be in a place that brings forth only their best.

Namaste Everyone! 

Thursday, February 9, 2023

My journey is mine and mine alone

My journey is mine and mine alone. I have to go through understanding the emotions that comes between ignorance and knowing. 

I always give people the benefits of the doubt knowing that it’s just human nature to feel happiness and sadness in situations that is foreign. 

I have to search high and low, feel uplifted and pull down just to understand how emotions are triggered by situations. Yet, I always resolve to compassion not for them but for myself. 

For believing that pain brings out the worst in people, and sometimes it is easier to ignore and just walk away rather than confront. 

But I finally have woken up and see the reality of it. That the same situation will present itself until acknowledgement is given. Acknowledging that those who bring harm will face harm and those who bring peace will bring peace.

I have embraced what is given for I know that what is given is with a bigger purpose beyond my personal purpose. 

So, I will continue to evolve and will continue to prosper, for I know I live a life that value deep inner knowing rather than aesthetically appealing. 

Find the courage to live your own truth and own personal growth, only then you’ll understand that my definition of success is totally different from your own definition of success. 

Namaste Everyone 🙏

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

With Great Knowledge Comes Great Responsibility

Knowledge is power only to a point when used with divine guidance. It’s a harsh reality that those who pursue it without knowing and accepting it’s divine purpose would only bring in chaos, pain, and suffering. 

I’ve come across so many instances where intentions at first are pure but in the end influences, demands, and overall expectations makes it’s reality be lived in a superficial way. 

People will just sit in agreement even though deep inside their hearts screams with unfairness. Nodding, agreeing, accepting only to keep a facade of let’s play this card right this time.

However the cards will play out, let the inner guidance rule. For experiences is the greatest teacher of all. Let the truth shine. 

For those who abuse their power, in the end will soon realize the true meaning of  “With Great Knowledge comes Great Responsibility”. 

Be at peace, for in your heart those who live their divine truth will prevail even if the environment is unconsciously not prepared and ready for them. 

The challenge maybe great, so keep the attitude of gratitude for everything is presented in a way of divine awakening.

Namaste Everyone! 

Saturday, February 4, 2023

Be Thankful

A word so powerful, yet always, and almost been so loosely used. Is it because of the facade of coming across to be polite or that people are not used to being authentically polite that automaticity of using them comes out of the mouth to appease the person you’re saying it to?

Whatever, however one uses them will always carry a frequency of truth or not to those who hear the real intentions of person whose saying them,

So for this, I want to uplift the word into simple but yet meaningful we can show true appreciation to the word.

Be thankful for life

Be thankful for safe environment 

Be thankful for experiences 

Be thankful for undeclared protection

Be thankful for little miracles

Be thankful for silence and nothingness

Be thankful knowing and not knowing

Be thankful for undeclared angels whose in the forefront of personal battles 

Be thankful for authenticity that shines through you

Be thankful for having the grace to tap into your authentic wisdom

So many to be thankful for that we can start everyday living in the grace of thankfulness that speaks to your heart and your authentic self without judgement and just sit and be with what resonate.

Namaste Everyone ❤️❤️❤️

Personal Biases

One thing  I have observed over and over again are personal biases. Most of us are governed so much by ego, that having to look inside and f...