Saturday, April 27, 2024

Personal Biases

One thing  I have observed over and over again are personal biases. Most of us are governed so much by ego, that having to look inside and face our own shadow is something we don’t want to deal with. But the reality is, freedom comes from facing and conquering those ego. 

I have seen so much personal biases in my environment, that brings in so much pain towards others, but only a few seemed to recognized that they are operating on personal biases. The responsibility and accountability is so unbearable for them to accept that the end result is to play the blame game. 

Those who you expect to be mature enough to transcend biases for the role they choose to participate in molding the new generations, are the ones who set others up for failure. 

The righteousness they hold-on, for their personal outlook in life that need transcending is more powerful than adjusting to the fact, that they are serving a new breed of individuals that needed to be taught and govern in a different way.

Personal biases need to be recognized, when you are in a situation that calls for recognizing a persons whole being. Not just a glimpse of time looking for something that doesn’t speak the entirety of a person’s upbringing. 

For an opinion based on a few moments of observation does not define the entirety and integrity of a person.

To God be the glory, for he is the one who open the portal of communication that speaks to the divine essence of individuals who are ready to do an inner work to transcend into the highest version of themselves. Namaste

Thursday, April 18, 2024

The Dream of One is the Dream of All

 The dream of one is the dream of all. For a dream are shared by everyone who is connected with that one. 

You may only see one person doing all the work, but behind that, the one person making that dream happen is carrying it for everyone’s sake.

The strength to pursue that dream even if some challenges never stopped because of other people’s ego, will only fuel to make that dream be realized.

 For the life that changes is not just one but a community that that dare to dream big.

For an unconscious's being, who only see and believe what they hear from others point of view govern by their own ego would think it as a boastful way of living. 

But behind the scene that person making those dreams happen need to be strong and well balanced to be able to let others see how to overcome such challenges with grace and a grateful heart.

Be appreciative for in the midst of your little hand that carries the pen to make those dreams happen is the purpose you bring to the table. 

For knowing and not knowing that your purpose carry a big part in making a difference of not just a few but a community of people who aspire to bring forth an achievable dream is an accomplishment in itself. 

So be great and let those dream come into reality, for you have accepted the challenge of serving to those who dare to dream big not just for themselves but for a collective. 

To God Be The Glory! Namaste 🙏🙏🙏

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

The Act of Serving Changes Meaning When You Look At It In A Higher Perspective

 You will come to a point in your life when you realized “I think it’s time for me to revisit some decisions I put on hold for the longest time because of uncertainty”. Realization that at some point, circumstances just lead you to finally face that what has been given is just what you needed for a breakthrough in your life.  How funny it is that everything comes in full circle, when you think that you are satisfied by what was given, but it pushes you to do more and be more. 

My love for helping is embedded in me and within the culture I grow up with. But, being able to see and experience different perspectives on helping, I realized that there are different languages and form of helping. Which in the field I chose to be in service of to the collective demands more than giving but delving into deeper understanding of human development. What a surprise when you have those “AHA” moment that forces you to re-adjust, re-calibrate your thought pattern not for your self gratification but for those that you choose to serve. 

The act of serving changes meaning when you look at it in a higher perspective. It’s like the stages of life, each layer leads you to opening something that at first you live for your own self reassurance and finally upgrading to helping others find their self reassurance as well.

Sometimes I look at my experiences and say, why all the challenges that are unnecessary? But then I stopped questioning and instead say ok I’m ready and I will head on face it with thank you for being you! For being the joyful you, for being the open minded you, for always respecting and giving space for others to be who they are, for knowing that we all carry weaknesses that only we can relate, for carrying others burden because of lack of understanding. So many reasons, but yet all have its own beautiful ways of making us realize how perfect timing presents itself when you are finally ready.

It is a long time coming, but once again I can say “Let’s do it! And this time, let’s face it with grace and full of rigor that there is only one way to go and that is to “ELEVATE”

To God Always Be The Glory!  Namaste

Maria Lourdes Gauthier

Monday, March 25, 2024

Looking At A Lense of Deeper Understanding

 The more you think you understand something, the more it presents another layer that needs to be seen and explore. Thoughts like this is just another form of saying, how wonderful life is, for you are always given an opportunity to grow. The growth that in the naked eye, presents nuisances, but yet in the service of others open a wide range of opportunities to deeper understanding. 

The focus on self exploration is so great, that most tend to just look at the facts and only see the first layer, not knowing that there are more layer to be explored. Do we stop? Or do we want to pursue thoughts and processes that only serve a few? Or embrace the fact that we are not born to serve only a few but rather any and all those who can benefit from such services.

The essense of comfortability can sometimes lead to stagnancy, but yet the word stagnancy can only be define as inactivity to those whose eyes can only comprehend to such inactivity. Yet, stagnancy is much more powerful than it is perceived to be. 

Maybe the deeper understanding of it seems to baffles those who seek to misunderstand, but to those who’s ready to re-define its meaning will be able to see. “ How wonderful life is, when the possibilities are open to self interpretation, and that self interpretation is the path that takes you to higher level of deeper understanding. 

Be blessed, be loved, be joyful and most of all be ready to embrace the new version of you that transcends the older version of you. To God always be the glory! For his mighty kingdom is open to those who embrace the path of kindness, compassion, and self assurance that everything works out for the better good of all who believes in his greatness. 


Personal Biases

One thing  I have observed over and over again are personal biases. Most of us are governed so much by ego, that having to look inside and f...