Friday, May 31, 2013

Technology and its usefulness

What to do when you're finally bored of playing games in the computer? A question that opened my mind into new possibilities of satisfying my curiosity. Ok, I told myself, "I guess you are more than capable of learning anything you focused your mind into." So, the journey of embracing technology and its usefulness begins.

Most of us know that FB (Facebook) is one way we communicate with our love ones, friends, and colleagues from all over the world. I've been using this portal for quite some time now. I've also used skype to communicate face to face with my family back home. I've  explored you tube, blogging sites, twitter, instagram, as well as pinterest. Which, definitely expand my comfortability of using technologies that help me connect with amazing and wonderful people.

These technologies help me feel empowered, as I was able to learn different ways I could better myself. Empowering myself psychologically, and physically. The best part about it, is socially opening myself to sharing ideas to those talented, creative, and positive individuals who are inspiring myself and others with respect and love for individuality.

In conclusion, Technology and its usefulness is giving individuals the chance to express their creativity. Explore each ones ability to shine as a fun loving human beings, and whose not afraid to connect with like minded individuals with the use of the web.

Sending gratitude to the universe, and extending peace, love, and respect to those creative individuals who may end up reading my blogs. Thank you so much!

The Depthness of Knowing and Not Knowing

 How can you define knowing?  Is it being able to recognized something in your own perspective? Or other’s perspective? So many questions ye...