Sunday, June 13, 2021

What A Roller Coaster It Has Been

What a ROLLER COASTER this past year has been! ADJUST, CHANGE, and most of all stay FLEXIBLE. 

Yes, you hear me right "What a roller coaster it has been".  I forgot how passionate I was about writing. 

My THOUGHTS, EMOTIONS, and DRIVE for CREATIVITY seem to vanish within these past couple of years.

Don't get me wrong, I'm the type of person who always finds things to occupy my time. It seems that this past year I just lost all that.  

I can understand how everything changes not just MY LIFE but also THE REST OF HUMANITY.  But here we are trying to make the most of it the best WE ALL CAN.

So, as a NEW START to my next JOURNEY, I will revisit my HOBBY. Update my oldies but goodies BLOGS and let it all AWAKEN my LOVE of WRITING once AGAIN.

Namaste Everyone! (This means "The divine in me honors the divine in you"

Sending love and peace to our universe

Maria Lourdes Gauthier

The Depthness of Knowing and Not Knowing

 How can you define knowing?  Is it being able to recognized something in your own perspective? Or other’s perspective? So many questions ye...