Saturday, September 24, 2022

A Moment In Time

A moment in time… fleeting… slowly passing… stranded… yet anytime can be rapidly moving. So it is, we had to make the best of it.   Growth? Did it really happened? Where? How? Is it obviously visible? I guess. Too many to handle, but needed to embrace. 

Importance… acceptance… enlightened… loose the fact of ignorance in the place of evolution.  Be governed by your higher self.  Drop conditioning, dogma, and selfish pursuit of perfection. It’s time to be in the moment of generational healing. 

Be the forefront of self evolution, for the sake of humanity, your ancestral rights is ready for the new chapter. Let healing begin. Old ways of thinking needed to be respected but it’s time to drop the old system. Be ready to embrace the new but never forget the old.

Only those whose ready will understand… A moment in time… fleeting… slowly passing… yet anytime can rapidly move… and So it is.

Namaste ‘The divine in me bows to the divine in you’  

By: Maria Lourdes Gauthier

The Depthness of Knowing and Not Knowing

 How can you define knowing?  Is it being able to recognized something in your own perspective? Or other’s perspective? So many questions ye...