Beauty is abundant in places where simplicity exist. Aesthetics that are man made are beautiful in its own right, but the essence of naturalness brings forth a different type of beauty. Some refer to them as exotic, others unusual. But it brings forth a feeling of awe when your in the presence of it.
Fascination is understatement when what you see is it’s truest form. If not aware, you see only an image that carries no excitement and just plain dull. Sometimes when you partially glance at them you see the plainness of it. But, when you stop for a second or two you’ll soon realize there is something different about it.
To the naked eye, beauty in simplicity is dull and unappealing, but to an awakened one, it brings forth a magical hue. Its true essence shout out colors that cannot be defined nor capture and only when your tapped in your own truest form you’ll have the privilege to have a single glance of that magnificent sight.
Namaste! Continue to tap into your divine nature for there are so many things to be grateful for in life. Evolve into your highest evolution that carries Love, Light, and Compassion.
Maria Lourdes Gauthier