Saturday, November 30, 2013

A creative passion that turned into business (Customized wooden handles)

In one of my visit to a small town bazaar craft show in Hawthorne, Nevada. I was able to chat with Ms. Vicky, a resident in the town. She has a table set-up, with display of products she and her husband made.
I was intrigue by one of the product she had on her display, a seam ripper with a wooden handle.
At first, I was hesitant to ask her, but she was friendly enough to start the conversation.
She started talking about the products they were selling and how they made them. I was listening to her and was amazed by how passionate she was in telling her story. In the end, because of her passion and enthusiasm, I finally got the courage to ask her.
It started with me picking up the seam ripper, and asked her "What it was?" She told me it was a seam ripper, and  explained that each end is of different sizes. One end is bigger than the other. In my mind I told myself, "what a great idea! A seam ripper with a wooden handle." Anybody who like sewing would appreciate this hand crafted wooden seam ripper.  It is one of those must must have supplies needed to finish some projects.  Such a creative idea that only a passionate and creative person can easily come up with.

While she was talking, I can sense in her, the love, passion, and care she put into every product she had made. The way she talk about the process of coming-up with an idea of a new product, made her eyes sparkle.  I can feel the energizing effect of the creativity she possess. It was as if, my own creativity, has all of a sudden heightened too.

She talked about how she accumulated products out of her love for making things and ended up turning it into a small scale business.  Now, because of our creative conversation she is adding a new product in her lines of creation, a crochet hooks with wooden handles.

Yeah! Way to go Ms. Vicky!!! @

Happy reading everyone!

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