Thursday, September 28, 2023

The Beautiful Game of Life

The beautiful game of life teaches strength, courage, acceptance, accountability, and growth, which all carries within itself it’s own essential importance. 

It brings awareness as to how the participants can manage to equally distribute such characteristics for one to accomplish something that brings forth a growth of evolution that shows respect to oneself and towards the opponents.

When there is harmony, the flow of the game brings forth a beautiful exchanges of throw, punches, push, pull, and fall that carries within a beautiful tune of easiness.

The flow of energy runs through those who can master to carry the foresight to keep the momentum in balance. Being able to use a sound judgment when to strike hard and when to take it easy.

Those moments make up a basis to study how the opponent handles each blow. For in those heated exchange of efforts and strength you can decipher the outcome of the game.

In the end players take within them lessons, realization, and open form of communication that will always be imprinted in the heart and minds that will surely cherish impactful experiences.

As an observer living in the moment and being present as each twist and turn is happening, one can appreciate every emotions the game carries. The beautiful movements that make the game of life interesting. It brings forth an evolution of change in every aspect of emotional, and social growth.

So be appreciative and cherish the moment, for  these will become a memory and that how you feel will carry on for lifetimes to come.


Maria Lourdes Gauthier 

Friday, September 22, 2023

Self Worth

 In life you have to understand the meaning of self worth. Most of the time people will resort to owning their self worth mandated by others. 

I’m here to remind you that the system mold your self worth, but in reality it is far from what you really are and who you really are.

You’re self worth comes from the fact that being born in this wonderful earth has already given you the highest form of self worth life has offered.

Being able to withstand cruelty among unconscious fellow being is a sign that you are more valuable than anyone who continue to choose to being asleep and bring more pain and suffering towards their environment and fellow being.

We sometimes forget the fact that we all are in some ways a gift towards each other to help each other evolve to be a better version of ourselves. 

So do remember that every being that you came across with in the journey of your existence are there to help you evolve into a a better version of you.

It may sometimes awakened and give a strong blow to your ego, but be aware and be grateful for in those times you are seeing the true color and version of the person you choose to be.

A person who needed to bring more compassion, kindness, understanding to every situation you have to face with.

Be grateful for you had been given the privilege to be in constant flow of evolution that brings forth light, love, compassion, and kindness to areas, experiences, and environment that need to see how self worth and being able to exist is a privilege that we all carry since birth.

No amount of status and mandated achievement that society brings lessens your worth. You are as worthy as anyone you face with. 

So bring forth more compassion, kindness, love, and respect to yourself and be proud that the scars they gave you is nothing but insecurities they have projected towards you because they know how valuable you are.

So bring forth your own light, love, and self respect,  for you are valuable just by being you. Be at peace and know that you are respected and love by those who see how precious the light is you bring to the world.


Sunday, September 17, 2023

A Joyful Way of Life

 A joyful way of living is always what I strive for. It is the driving force that motivate me to understand my surroundings, the environment, and most of all the people I encountered within my journey.

I see through people’s facade and respected the reasoning behind them. For I know that to see beyond their true sense of self has to be hidden. Some reasons may be beyond our comprehension. 

As I evolve, the inner knowing seems to heightened, although it may be beneficial to know but I stopped questioning. Maybe because, there  are things in life that is beyond explanations. 

So as I continue to evolve, I will walk a path less questioning. For I know within, that we all have to go through awakening that is beyond our control. The only way to maneuver our divine awakening is to surrender. 

A grateful heart and a humble spirit will always be our guide to fulfill a purpose that only our divine self has a privilege to know.


The Depthness of Knowing and Not Knowing

 How can you define knowing?  Is it being able to recognized something in your own perspective? Or other’s perspective? So many questions ye...