Thursday, July 30, 2015

Little quirks in life

I admit it, I try to internalize my feelings first before I open up to anyone, knowing for sure I get my point across without being misunderstood.  But lately, I tend to just say anything that comes to mind, because of frustration... I guess.

Now, a question comes in mind. "How can I get my husband to understand my point of view?"... Bear in mind that we are talking about women's vs men's own interpretation in answering a question.

I have read Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus by John Gray.  It teaches me a lot when it comes to dealing with understanding how men interpret a question being asked. But yet, I'm still dumbfounded every time I had to deal with his little quirks.

At times I tell myself, enough is enough, this guy needs a reality check. But that's it, I'm only limited to my own words, I need to know how to do it in action. Better yet, stand on my ground by way of action.

At the end of the day, I'm also dumbfounded at myself, for always seeing the best side of everything even if at times he is crossing my boundaries.  What else can I say, I'm not the ABCD type option of a person. I stick like a super glue when it comes to the aspect of my personal life's important decision making... So help me GOD.

"Just a little side of me, behind the scene of my daily existence. Sending peace and love to the universe while understanding my journey."

Namaste Everyone!

Saturday, February 7, 2015

The Closed Door with a Broken Key

You opened the door long have been shut, forgotten and tucked away.
Found the broken key I purposely threw and walked away.
With the touch of your hand you returned it to me with a tear.
A moment of sadness I never thought I once again would be able to feel.

I know you will never understand exactly what had just transpire.
That moment you blindly opened the door, I had forgotten for in a while.
Handing me the broken key and fixing it with your uncanny smile.
Leaving me helpless, rekindling the familiar feeling hidden for a long time.

It pains me to realize I could not once again comply, with that familiar feeling
behind the door you unknowingly opened, and just left behind.
Once more I have to throw away the found key, closed the door you have
blindly opened with unconscious gesture you unwittingly provide.

I look back to stare at the closed door I once had forgotten in a while.
Learn to admire that painful feeling inside a hidden door I left behind.
Now I can move forward with a light heart and a peaceful smile.
Because you inadvertently provide a blissful feeling that made this all worthwhile.

Thank you my friend!


Friday, September 12, 2014

Changing Gears

Oh my!!! a big change?.... What can I say, it's all about prospective... I guess.  After weighing the pros and cons, CHANGING GEARS when it comes to settling down real estate wise, the best option is to be free from the foot hold of your property. Yes, you read it right... "Free from the foot hold of your property in ONE  LOCATION."

I love traveling and exploring places, which I know will feed my desire to learn real life experiences. I guess that's what made me thought that the next big change in our life will be to change gears... Literally CHANGE GEARS when it comes to buying a home, and we did.  WE BOUGHT A MOTOR HOME and moved in it.

Love it, love it, love it...  So excited to plan our trips, while imagining every location we will be visiting soon.  The best part about it, we will be able to take Snooby our cat with us.  What can I say, that's just pretty exciting!!!

Looking forward to blog every adventure we will experience through the coming years. Sending LOVE and PEACE to the Universe.

Thank you for reading, namaste. 

Monday, June 23, 2014

Procrastination Alert!!!

Well, that's me... I need to finally just do it, no more excuses!!!  Years had been wasted because of self talk about this and that, but in reality, I realized I had the procrastination habit working in full force.  Yes, I admit it... excuses are the best alibi to not accomplish anything.  The question is ??? did it made a difference in my own personal growth as an individual in pursuit of something?, or did it not?

The answer lies on the fact that yes, indeed, it made a difference in my personal growth.  I come to a conclusion that blaming the situation, the people, the places, and anything and everything in between did at least gave me some time to ponder, " I want to accomplish what I want to accomplish, not what others want me to accomplish."  Although I like learning from others, I realized that in a situation where everyone are still learning, people tend to be conscious of self (how will my performance outshine others). 

I am not a competitive person, but people that surrounds me are, and that's what made it difficult to adjust.  I know for myself that continued personal growth is still in progress.  I have to rely on the fact that at the end I'm the one responsible for my actions.  So at this time, I will finally put a stop on this habit of procrastination.  Yes, the habit of procrastination will be suspended, and I will work hard on accomplishing my personal goal.

Sending positive thoughts and love to the universe!!!

Friday, May 31, 2013

Technology and its usefulness

What to do when you're finally bored of playing games in the computer? A question that opened my mind into new possibilities of satisfying my curiosity. Ok, I told myself, "I guess you are more than capable of learning anything you focused your mind into." So, the journey of embracing technology and its usefulness begins.

Most of us know that FB (Facebook) is one way we communicate with our love ones, friends, and colleagues from all over the world. I've been using this portal for quite some time now. I've also used skype to communicate face to face with my family back home. I've  explored you tube, blogging sites, twitter, instagram, as well as pinterest. Which, definitely expand my comfortability of using technologies that help me connect with amazing and wonderful people.

These technologies help me feel empowered, as I was able to learn different ways I could better myself. Empowering myself psychologically, and physically. The best part about it, is socially opening myself to sharing ideas to those talented, creative, and positive individuals who are inspiring myself and others with respect and love for individuality.

In conclusion, Technology and its usefulness is giving individuals the chance to express their creativity. Explore each ones ability to shine as a fun loving human beings, and whose not afraid to connect with like minded individuals with the use of the web.

Sending gratitude to the universe, and extending peace, love, and respect to those creative individuals who may end up reading my blogs. Thank you so much!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

A Journey to Understanding My Sense of Being (Thoughts of Reason)

I always thought that we are who we think we are... The word who we THINK we are, struck me when I come across a video in you tube.  At that moment everything inside me started changing. The way I feel about my thoughts, how I interpret emotions, and the most important realization is... how I identify my self.

The journey didn't stop in just watching one episode, I was hooked, every time one episode ends I was longing for another episode to watch. But, I had to stop myself, as the mind dictates... I have to internalize what just had happened to me while watching  the video. 

At first, my mind try to reason out, always reminding me this and that. Thoughts that's been condition and was imbedded inside of me. I consider it as myself, not just a part of me, but who I am. Then this video just hit me, opening something inside of me that was hidden. That I thought had awakened.

Although this journey is not done, every day spent wondering this thoughts of reason just had to subside... I have to let it just happen, embrace WHAT IS... that my reason of thoughts could not comprehend. Let IT flow within me and stop analyzing every change that it brought into my whole being. 

Sending peace and love to the universe...
 Happy reading everyone! 

An Evolution To The Meaning Of Truth Vs Lie

 It’s amazing how a shift of perspective brings light to the word of truth vs lies. I admit I’m very focused on authenticity which in my own...