Saturday, November 19, 2022

Appreciation of Cultural Representation by way of Dancing

In the on-lookers point of view dancing can be a representative of many form of expressions. The question is… Do we see understand the creative, healing, expressive rituals and offerings behind our watchful eyes?

        Factual Information:

             “ Dance is a performing art form consisting of sequences of movement, either improvised or purposefully selected. This movement has aesthetic and often symbolic value. Dance can be categorized and described by its choreography, by its repertoire of movements, or by its historical period or place of origin”. Dance

I have always been fascinated by culture representation towards dancing and it’s rhythmic style. The fact that I enjoy watching and physically moving my body to the rhythm of the beats is not unusual to anyone whose willing to be in awe when in the presence of talented individuals.

I still try to make nonsense movements when it comes to dancing just to make myself free from physical stagnation. It helps me release physical tension and makes me more in tune to my own personal well being.

For me movement in anyway shape or form when it comes to dancing is representative of creativity, self expressions, and most of all  a way to celebrate spirituality.

I grew up in a surrounding where, we were given a chance to represent different traditions that respect cultural representation of individuality. This has been handed down from generation to generation by way of festivals. Growing up I always look forward to these kind of occasions because it brings community together in a way that respect, represent, and understand each other. 

So I am grateful, blessed, and honored for the opportunity to witness a representation of culture, traditions, and spiritual gatherings that deemed sacred and demand respect when presented. 

Namaste everyone! “ The divine in me honors the divine in you” .

Maria Lourdes Gauthier

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Inner Dialogue ( Reflection on emotional self talk)

Inner dialog… pep talk… emotional self talk… Is this necessary?

Countless information from books, coaches, experts, the so called qualified individuals who offer these strategies to help with calmness and self awareness.

Some teaches the practice to keep positive vibes and change current moods. Some thinks it’s a taboo because of ignorance. 

What ever the reasoning is… Let it resonate you the way you resonate with it.

When you are in a point of life where you are able to choose the Why’s? What? Where? When? and How?  of specific circumstances presented. 

There is a realization of  “Who would you be willing to learn it from ?” .  

In these times, the so called experts had been challenge. Massive awakenings are in front of us. Inner dialogue seems to be our guiding force. We all are given an opportunity to embrace the big shifts. 

The Who seems to be… “ OUR OWN HIGHER SELF”. And so it is…

Be brave… Accept what is… and Embrace what is not…

Namaste (The light in me honors the light in you). 

Maria Lourdes Gauthier

Saturday, September 24, 2022

A Moment In Time

A moment in time… fleeting… slowly passing… stranded… yet anytime can be rapidly moving. So it is, we had to make the best of it.   Growth? Did it really happened? Where? How? Is it obviously visible? I guess. Too many to handle, but needed to embrace. 

Importance… acceptance… enlightened… loose the fact of ignorance in the place of evolution.  Be governed by your higher self.  Drop conditioning, dogma, and selfish pursuit of perfection. It’s time to be in the moment of generational healing. 

Be the forefront of self evolution, for the sake of humanity, your ancestral rights is ready for the new chapter. Let healing begin. Old ways of thinking needed to be respected but it’s time to drop the old system. Be ready to embrace the new but never forget the old.

Only those whose ready will understand… A moment in time… fleeting… slowly passing… yet anytime can rapidly move… and So it is.

Namaste ‘The divine in me bows to the divine in you’  

By: Maria Lourdes Gauthier

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Emotional Intellegence

Can we master this? I have to dig deep for this writing. When I write, I'm usually inspired by a situation or triggered by them. It's easy to be lost in my thoughts when inspired by my environment. Always when surrounded by challenging situation, I tend to look at things in many different angles. Asking questions like. Does my reaction help me be a consciously evolve individual? Would the situation improve if I react this way or that way? Will a change in my environment help me see the situation in a more positive way?... So many questions, but I have to realize the fact that things will only get resolved when I look inward. SO here it goes. 

Emotional Intelligence, based on the Oxford Advanced American Dictionary, it is "The ability to understand your emotions and those of other people and to behave in an appropriate way in different situations." 

Seems easy to grasp right? In reality a lot of us struggle to be in a positive mood when faced by personal biases of people. In a professional environment we can all tolerate tiny nuisances of personal biases. Those who we considered professionally educated know exactly how to handle this, but yet, they are the ones who seems to be more prone to include personal biases when they know they have power over someone. 

In a world full of trauma, unresolved issues, emotionally immature people, always be mindful of what you say or do. As much as possible, when given an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of an individual, look inward and remind yourself to feed your consciously evolving nature and ditch your annoying ego. You can do this! I have high hopes for you. Turn negative reaction to a positive one and hope that, your actions will trickle down to a more accepting, loving, nurturing environment you always had hope for.

As to my own personal biases, here is what I have to say...

"We all need to master this so called "Emotional Intelligence".  I have to say, this is part of evolution as a conscious individual. To master how to deal and control your own emotional intelligence.  I have to admit, part of my personality is to ignore anyone that threatens my peace of mind.  It's a good coping mechanism, especially when you deal with people's personal biases. Let's be honest, everyone try so hard everyday to consciously not be played by ego.  I guess this is also part of my evolution, being mindful and consciously be aware that change needs to happen, thrive to grow into a higher version of yourself. "

Namaste Everyone! 

Maria Lourdes Gauthier


Sunday, June 13, 2021

What A Roller Coaster It Has Been

What a ROLLER COASTER this past year has been! ADJUST, CHANGE, and most of all stay FLEXIBLE. 

Yes, you hear me right "What a roller coaster it has been".  I forgot how passionate I was about writing. 

My THOUGHTS, EMOTIONS, and DRIVE for CREATIVITY seem to vanish within these past couple of years.

Don't get me wrong, I'm the type of person who always finds things to occupy my time. It seems that this past year I just lost all that.  

I can understand how everything changes not just MY LIFE but also THE REST OF HUMANITY.  But here we are trying to make the most of it the best WE ALL CAN.

So, as a NEW START to my next JOURNEY, I will revisit my HOBBY. Update my oldies but goodies BLOGS and let it all AWAKEN my LOVE of WRITING once AGAIN.

Namaste Everyone! (This means "The divine in me honors the divine in you"

Sending love and peace to our universe

Maria Lourdes Gauthier

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Happy Memories With Friends


As we all know, friends is an essential part of our lives. They are the ones who lift us up when we are down. Although sometimes toxic friends can also make us somewhat unbearable to take. Maybe towards others or towards ourselves. 

At times we look for them as comfort, and sometimes we look for them as goofy buddies.

For me, my circle of friends have purpose... based on their maturity and how they handle emotions. Yes! they all have a purpose in my life. Some friends are seasonal and some friends are forever no matter where in the world our locations will be.

I'm blessed enough to have come accross such wonderful personality within my circle of friends. They range from different personality types. Some are Analysts those that are just strategic thinkers, bold, and cannot resist intellectual challenge. Some are Diplomats those that are quiet and mystical, always eager to help, and always find a reason to smile whatever the situation maybe. Some are Sentinels, those who are practical and fact minded, always ready to defend their loved ones, and extra ordinarily caring. Last but not the least, the Explorer! those that are practical experimenters, flexible, and enthusiastic.

It is these type of personalities that makes life just amazingly wonderful to experience, especially if you can see this personality within your circle of friends. There's no way you cannot be amazed at how a days go by happilly when hanging out with friends like them. It just makes life a lot fancier in all the sense of it.

But anyhow, I think that life is just so magical if you surround yourself with friends who have these kinds of personality. Of course!... appreciate the fact that people are not perfect, but you can always see the beautiful perfectness in them

Be Brave, Be Beautiful, and Be kind my lovely readers. Thank you all for reading and following my blogs. Hope to see you again soon. 

Namaste... Sending a big hug to everyone virtually and also to the lovable universe.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Threading On A Thin Ice (between happiness and sadness)

Everything just fell into our lap in just a matter of days.
No warning, no signs, no time to prepare.
We woke up one day and felt the world suddenly change.
Why, I ask? It seems like we can't be this vulnerable!
But yet, at this point we all are, and we need to surrender at his will.

I have to get hold of understanding my own feelings.
I have been bombarded by this emotional mixed up with no time to spare.
Yes! I understand... I have to take care, worry less, and be strong.
For this little precious heart, that most of us tend to dampened with sadness and despair.

I always wake up with sadness and see how people are addicted to pain.
They rather choose to celebrate bitterness, jealousy, and dispair.
Over celebrating genuine beauty of kindness, respect and love for each other.
I know it's not just me, all of us! Facing this shift in an unprecedented way.
I do understand we need to be careful in threading on a thin ice... We can only feel.

So let's all start keeping only a grateful and positive heart.
For this way, we can safeguard the beauty of a humane society.
Where people genuinely care, love, respect, accept, and help each other.
So stop negative behavior that dampened a beautiful soul,
From trying to soar high in this magnificient time that we are given to repair.

Be still my precious one and know that you are not alone.
For this journey is just the beginning into unknown, where love is what matters the most.
And acceptance is celebrated all over the world, for those who embrace change.
For we know that every journey to change will be full of heartache and pain.
But yet you my love is more than ready to face it, for you are strong beyond compare.

Sending Peace and Love to the Universe
Namaste Everyone

Maria Lourdes Gauthier

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Quarantine (A Prayer from the Heart)

QUARANTINE, a word associated mostly in movies. But, alas! all human beings are now subject to it World Wide. Adrenaline rush on negative thoughts is in high alert, but yet I always imagine the light at the end of the tunnel. Of course! it is a hard process for the brain to quiet down. All the what if's scenarios of doom and gloom, but the light within me will always come fort and say, "NOTHING TO WORRY, EVERYTHING WILL BE TAKING CARE OF".

As I go through the process of answering the question "What can I do? What should I do? How should I do it? I come to realize that, everything happens for a reason. Unbeknownst to us, there is a higher power working and helping us cope with all of this. A HIGHER POWER, who somehow has been quietly guiding and protecting those who feel broken, lost, and unheard. A HIGHER POWER that work through individuals who are LIGHT WORKERS, individuals who have the capacity to go out and be an advocate to those in need.

For a moment I realize, I should BE GRATEFUL, THANKFUL, and DO MY PART. I had no clue what part would that be, all I know is that my PRAYERS, day in and out is one of the powerful tool to use in times of calamities like this. 

So let's all take a moment to say a SILENT PRAYER that comes from the HEART, each and everyone of us. 

"Dear God, as we live our lives day to day moving forward, let your guiding love embrace our egoistic mind. Let your wisdom shower upon us, and let us be grounded and surrender to the being that you want us to be. Let our fears, worries, and heartache subside. Protect us and all our loved ones near and far. Give strength to those who need it the most and are battling the war that we brought upon ourselves as humans. Let all of this be our wake up call and instill in our hearts that all living things are equally as important. Let all humanities conciousness operate in a higher vibration so that we all can get out of this dillemma stronger and united. This we ask of you divine being, the higher power within us. Amen."

Sending Love, Respect, and Prayer to Everyone and the Universe

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Zip Lining Adventure!

Let the party begin!

We went for a short road trip just to get away from the everyday grind of life, but never really thinking of getting ourselves on an adventure.

You see, I have a lot of fears, and I usually let those fears stop me from doing something daring.

Well, today it is different.

Passing along a zip line advertisement, we decided to check it out. Just for fun, and basically killing the time.

But, surprise... We ended up signing for the ride.

What a guts, I said to myself... "Are we really doing this? I asked my husband. His reply was so simple. "Why not?"

So the journey to zip lining begins....

Just Landed!

As I remember, all my nerves were tingling... I started with my eyes closed but had to open it to fully experience the ride.

And... I did it, with beautiful butterflies flying on my stomach.

I will do it again if given another chance, but for now, I will enjoy and cherished the memory.

So... If you happen to stop by Twin Falls, Idaho check out Zip the Snake I'l guarantee you will have a lot of fun!

Thanks for stopping...

Namaste, sending peace and love to humanity and the universe.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

New Learning Adventure (Copywriting)

So here I am, looking and staring at my computer.

Too many things going on, but it keeps my adrenalin going.

It's been a week since I join a program called American Writer's & Artists Incorporated (AWAI).

I joined because I'm looking for something else to do, to occupy my spare time.

Lo, and behold, I found a new "gig", as we call it.


I always wanted to work at home, and I have been looking for a "legit" part time job that would harness my skill in writing.

Signing up and joining a group called Barefoot Writers Club is a blessing.

It lets me connect with people who also like to write just like me.

We call ourselves copywriter.

I'm still learning what copywriting is all about, and boy! It sometimes can be overwhelming.

But, just like any adventure in life, you just have to immerse yourself into learning the techniques. And, of course, be ready to surprise yourself to your full potential.

So, check out my website below, click the link.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Finding your purpose in life is so confusing!

Finding your purpose in life is so confusing!!!

All the experiences a person have to go through just to find their purpose makes life a lot challenging. People advise you on things you should do and not do, but yet your basically on your own when you finally make a choice.

Although, I like challenges, but sometimes it is our own judgement that put us, in a downward roll or upward roll.

I don't know why, but for some reason, I like to experience more about life but yet don't have the guts to venture on things that are unknown.

Is it just me? or Are there anyone out there who also feels the same? 

I just go along where ever life puts me, but sometimes, I feel like I'm stuck in a Limbo.  Doing the same thing over and over again.  Experiencing the same ups and down, and feels like I'm enough but not quite enough.

Anyways, as always "Life is as beautiful as what you want to make it!" So, I will keep my head up high and keep on dreaming. 

Let all these confusion find its way, maybe then I will be able to embrace my purpose.

Namaste! Sending Love and peace to the universe and humanity.


The Depthness of Knowing and Not Knowing

 How can you define knowing?  Is it being able to recognized something in your own perspective? Or other’s perspective? So many questions ye...