The dream of one is the dream of all. For a dream are shared by everyone who is connected with that one.
You may only see one person doing all the work, but behind that, the one person making that dream happen is carrying it for everyone’s sake.
The strength to pursue that dream even if some challenges never stopped because of other people’s ego, will only fuel to make that dream be realized.
For the life that changes is not just one but a community that that dare to dream big.
For an unconscious's being, who only see and believe what they hear from others point of view govern by their own ego would think it as a boastful way of living.
But behind the scene that person making those dreams happen need to be strong and well balanced to be able to let others see how to overcome such challenges with grace and a grateful heart.
Be appreciative for in the midst of your little hand that carries the pen to make those dreams happen is the purpose you bring to the table.
For knowing and not knowing that your purpose carry a big part in making a difference of not just a few but a community of people who aspire to bring forth an achievable dream is an accomplishment in itself.
So be great and let those dream come into reality, for you have accepted the challenge of serving to those who dare to dream big not just for themselves but for a collective.
To God Be The Glory! Namaste 🙏🙏🙏