Saturday, August 15, 2015

Acceptance of Love

A good communication is always the best.
Being able to talk to someone without feeling any of the emotional pain.
Reminisce all the memories and be able to accept the lesson it brings.
The kind of thing where you can laugh and say wow that was not my intent.

At times during the conversation you feel the negative friction
But keep the positive focus and shine the light on such conversation.
Analyzing every interaction with unconditional love and devotion.
To be free from negative manipulation of the ego who scream and shout in distitution.

Yes finally we agreed, that I see your pain and you see my pain.
Untangled by talking and understanding our hidden conditioning scream.
Letting go of emotional bound behind the conditioning of blaming game.
And start a new journey of our love as husband and wife turned into a friend.

I love the new you, more so than the old you.
Because I finally knew the conditioning character that both of us thought was you.
So let me love you for the real you, and continue the healing process both of us have to go through.
For all of this is a must, for us to come in full circle of our love.

I love you honey!

Namaste! Shining light to my journey... Sending peace and love to the universe and humanity.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Unconscious Responsibility To Carry

A responsibility to carry,
When agreed to unconsciously brings so much pain.
Pain in a way that loose the sound of your own voice,
That let the voice of others serve as your own.

An unconscious responsibility to carry,
When all you do is give pleasure to those who you agreed to.
Sacrificing the voice within you so as not to give hurt and pain
To those who will be affected when you decided to let your own voice be heard.

A responsibility to carry,
Realizing that pain be gets pain, and facing them will bring havoc.
So you continue to carry those unconscious responsibility
Hoping and waiting maybe someday conscious awakening will then happen.

Namaste! Bringing light to my own journey... Sending peace and love to the universe and humanity.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Understanding one aspect of my journey (interactions with people)

When I was young, I didn't understand a lot of things.
So I rely on the judgement of elders to guide my every actions.
In my innocent mind I admire them, for knowing so much.
I look at myself and tell my inner child that someday I too will know so much.

But then as I grow older, the thought of admiring is slowly vanishing.
Because then I realize that they don't know that much.
Instead what they have is that they just acquire knowledge.
Never really knowing the why behind that knowledge.

So, I stopped admiring them, instead I tried to understand them.
In my surprise anybody could acquire knowledge, act  on them, without real intention.
I was so disheartened, in my fragile mind, I expect them to be what they say and do.
But yet, I still try to understand them, thinking maybe there is something I'm missing to understand.

So my journey begins, I don't see them for their actions anymore.
I try to see them as the why for their actions, that soothes my heart I was able to move on.
I was able to understand that as a human we have to behave in a way opposite to what we feel.
In my case, I want to behave the way I feel, but I always get into trouble.

So another journey, minimize interacting with people, maybe then I won't get hurt often.
With that, I started seeing only the best in people, realizing that the less interaction I have with them
The better for me to understand the why of their actions and be fully present to know them.
The real person behind each facade they have learned to put forward to the outside world.

Namaste! Bringing light to my journey is my inspiration... Sending love and peace to the universe and humanity.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

I Am Me

I am me
I analyze, feel, and connect
Like me, hate me, but this is me

I am me
I love to understand deeper
But most of all I love to love unconditionally

I am me
I stay inside my bubble
But when I get out you see and feel the best of me

I am me
I recognize, acknowledge, and portray
A weak and strong personality within me

For I know deep inside
We all need to embrace every experiences bad or good
To come out refresh, shining, and burning with positive fire again

Namaste! Sending love and peace to the universe and humanity.

I Love The New Me

I love the new me
The inspired artist writer that lies within me 
Who love to get lost in an unprecedented thoughts
That breaks the silence that controls emotions.

I love the new me
The inspired individual within me
Who enjoyed exploring my own thoughts
To bring satisfaction to the expanded memories

I love the new me
Who decided to be free
Free from any expectation laid against me
For I am me and I needed to be free.

Namaste! Sending love and peace to the universe and humanity.

Thank you for the Experiences You brought into My Life

Thank you for the experience you brought into my life
I see the beauty of the teachings it taught me
Every event leaves an everlasting mark
Making my whole existence one less of a dream.

Thank you for the experience you brought into my life
I started to see me and the unique beauty that I am
Conquering every self doubt that is hovering around
Replaced by a thought of what will I loose if I try.

Thank you for the experience you brought into my life
The unappreciated mask is starting to subside
Declaring that I am what I am
A forget-me-not flower whose trying to survive.

Namaste! Sending peace and love to the universe and humanity.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Let me love you in my dreams

Let me love you in my dreams
For I know that it will be a perfect dream
A perfect place for us to be free
Free to build an enchanting world to dream our dream.

Let me love you in my dreams
Where we can't feel the hurt or pain
Just feel the love that we can bring
And surrender to all this binding flame.

Let me love you in my dreams
And forget about the time and space in between
Where physical hindrances is so keen
To keep us distance from our dream.

Namaste! Sending healing, peace, and love to the universe and humanity.  

An Evolution To The Meaning Of Truth Vs Lie

 It’s amazing how a shift of perspective brings light to the word of truth vs lies. I admit I’m very focused on authenticity which in my own...